Inflatable Pool Table

Setup Area: 32'x20'x5
Actual Size: 30'x17'x2'
Monitors: 1
Outlets: 1
Age Group: All Ages
Well, you might be thinking that they have made an inflatable out of just about any game, and you are right. We offer loads of fun games that can be played however you'd like. Some we offer suggestions, but that isn't the only way to play the game. So, just like any pool table game, you can play with one person or you can have teams. The object is the same as with any pool game, you have a cue ball and some colored balls. However, the balls are actually soccer ball-like, the colored and numbered ones are there, as you have in pool. But, they are made to be kicked. That's right, instead of a pool cue you will be using your foot to kick the white ball around and try to get the proper colored ones in the holes.This isn't as accurate as a real pool, since you are doing this on an inflatable, so the ground is a bit difficult to stand on and it is made up of an air pad. This game can go really fast and be quite intense. Both children and adults seem to love this game. This game is perfect for large crowds as well as for team building. This fast-paced game is perfect for larger crowds as well. People not only love to play this game but they like to watch it too. Give it a try and see how well you do human pool today. We set up and tear down all of our inflatables. Everything is sanitized for your safety. We not only offer inflatable pool table but other inflatable games as well. Check out our interactive Inflatables too!!